Most Important theory question for C language

1.      Describe the several features of C language.
2.      Explain the structure of c program.
3.      Explain why C language is called middle level language.
4.      List all the relational operators available in C Explain with suitable example
5.      List all the logical operators available in C Explain with suitable example
6.      List all the assignment operators available in C Explain with suitable example
7.      List all the arithmetic operators available in C Explain with suitable example
8.      Explain pre and post increment-decrement operator with suitable example.
9.      List all the Bitwise operators available in C Explain with suitable example
10.  Explain sizeof() operator with suitable example.
11.  Explain conditional operator or turnery operator with suitable example.
12.  Explain precedence and associatively with suitable example.
13.  Explain automatic type conversion and casting with suitable some example.
14.  List all the basic or primary data-types available in C with their format specifier and size in bytes and their declaration statement.
15.  Explain the difference between getch(),getche() and getchar() functions.
16.  Explain the difference between gets() and scanf() function and printf() and puts function with suitable example
17.  Explain formatted output with suitable example
18.  Explain formatted input  with % [  ] with suitable example
19.  Explain nested if-else control structure with suitable example.
20.  Explain Switch-Case with suitable example.
21.  Explain Go-To statement with some suitable example
22.  Explain types of loops with their syntax available in C. Explain any one with suitable example.
23.  Explain break-continue with suitable example.
24.  Explain one-dimension array with some example and how elements are allocated with space in memory.
25.  Explain tow-dimension array with some suitable example.
26.  List some of the built-in string handling function with some suitable example.
27.  Explain the user define function with their structure and with small suitable example.
28.  List the advantages or feature of functions.
29.  Explain recursion with suitable example.
30.  List all the storage class available in c and specify the scope, lifetime, storage and their default initial value.
31.  Explain what is pointer with some small example.
32.  Explain call by value and call by reference with suitable example
33.  Explain structure and also define how members of structure variable can be accessed and how they are allocated in memory.
34.  Explain what is macro or preprocessor directives. explain the use of # define, # ifdef,# ifndef and # include with some suitable example.


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