All programming languages can be divided into two categories: Problem oriented languages or high languages: Examples of languages falling in this category are FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, etc. These languages have been designed to give a better programming efficiency, faster program development. Generally these languages have better programming capability but they are less capable to deal with hardware or Hardware related programming. Machine oriented languages of Low Level Languages: Examples of languages falling in this category are Assembly language and Machine Language. This languages have been designed to give a better machine efficiency i.e. faster program execution. Generally these languages have better hardware programming capability but it is very difficult and tedious to do create complex application like and business application or some commercial application C as Middle Level Language: C stands in between these two categories. That’s why it is called a Middle Level Language, since it was designed to have both; a relatively good programming efficiency (as compared to Machine Oriented Language) and a relatively good machine efficiency (as compared to Problem Oriented Language).


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